Students enjoying and cheering up for the Pakistan Cricket Team during the fifth day of test cricket match between Pakistan and Australia at the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium
RAWALPINDI: March 08 - Students enjoying and cheering up for the Pakistan Cricket Team during the fifth day of test cricket match between Pakistan and Australia at the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium. APP photo by Abid Zia
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APP14-080322RAWALPINDI: March 08 – Police is checking the tickets on last day of test match between Pakistan and Australia at Murree Road. APP photo by Umar QayyumAPP10-080322RAWALPINDI: March 08 – Students enjoying and supporting Pakistan Cricket Team during the fifth day of test cricket match between Pakistan and Australia at the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium. APP photo by Abid ZiaRAWALPINDIAPP11-080322RAWALPINDI: March 08 – Students enjoying and supporting Pakistan Cricket Team during the fifth day of test cricket match between Pakistan and Australia at the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium. APP photo by Abid Zia