Pakistan’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation, H.E. Shafqat Ali Khan signing the MoU between Pakistan Customs and the Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) on the Exchange of Statistical Data on Mutual Trade while Secretary of Commerce, Muhammad Sualeh Ahmed Faruqui witnessing the signing ceremony
SAINT PETERSBURG: June 15 - Pakistan's Ambassador to the Russian Federation, H.E. Shafqat Ali Khan signing the MoU between Pakistan Customs and the Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) on the Exchange of Statistical Data on Mutual Trade while Secretary of Commerce, Muhammad Sualeh Ahmed Faruqui witnessing the signing ceremony. APP/MAF/ABB/TZD
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APP63-150623 SAINT PETERSBURG: APP64-150623SAINT PETERSBURG: June 15 – A group photograph of Pakistan’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation, H.E. Shafqat Ali Khan after signing the MoU between Pakistan Customs and the Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) on the Exchange of Statistical Data on Mutual Trade while Secretary of Commerce, Muhammad Sualeh Ahmed Faruqui also present on the occasion. APP/MAF/ABB/TZDAPP65-150623SAINT PETERSBURG: June 15 – Secretary of Commerce, Muhammad Sualeh Ahmed Faruqui shaking hand with representative of Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) after signing ceremony of the MoU between Pakistan Customs and the Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) on the Exchange of Statistical Data on Mutual Trade. Pakistan’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation, H.E. Shafqat Ali Khan also present on the occasion. APP/MAF/ABB/TZD