Flood affected people of Kacha Area Indus River near Mulan Ismail Ja Pirr Village returns to their home through the accumulated flood water after getting ration provided by Al Mahmoud Social Welfare Association.
LARKANA: September 04 - Flood affected people of Kacha Area Indus River near Mulan Ismail Ja Pirr Village returns to their home through the accumulated flood water after getting ration provided by Al Mahmoud Social Welfare Association. APP photo by Nadeem Akhtar Soomro
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APP49-040922 LARKANA: APP50-040922PESHAWAR: September 04 – Children passing through stagnant water after heavy rain in the Provincial Capital. APP Photo by Shaheryar AnjumAPP51-040922PESHAWAR: September 04 – Children passing through stagnant water after heavy rain in the Provincial Capital. APP Photo by Shaheryar AnjumAPP48-040922LARKANA: September 04 – Flood affected people of Kacha Area Indus River near Mulan Ismail Ja Pirr Village returns to their home through the accumulated flood water after getting ration provided by Al Mahmoud Social Welfare Association. APP photo by Nadeem Akhtar Soomro