HomeNationalAugust 5, 2019: A blackday of biggest robbery of IIOJK by Modi...

August 5, 2019: A blackday of biggest robbery of IIOJK by Modi regime

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PESHAWAR, Aug 05 (APP): Dawned the day of August the 5th, 2019 with a treacherous shadow hovering over the heads of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jummu and Kashmir (IIOJK) as the fascist government of Narendra Modi stripped them of their right to self-determination through an unconstitutional amendment by illegally revoking Article 370 of the Indian constitution.

Considered by India herself and her blue-eyed stakeholders a “temporary provision” in the Indian Constitution, Article 370 was the only hope of Kashmiris prophesying their freedom as it granted IIOJK sovereignty in all matters except defense, foreign affairs and communications.

The people of princely state of IIOJK have been subjected to marginalization from day first when Maharaja Hari Singh – on the lame pretext of preventing Pakistan’s tribal invasions – signed an instrument of accession to India crushing beneath his feet Kashmiri’s right to plebiscite in broad day light and later the revocation of Article 370 was a desperate attempt of India to put the last nail in the coffin.

Not only this; but with the revocation of Article 370, India also erased the significance of United Nations (UN) by disregarding the UN Security Council Resolution 47 (1948) categorically which includes the plebiscite among other points.

In yet another frantic attempt to integrate IIOJK with herself, India has now changed rules of quota in jobs, issuing domiciles and buying lands aimed at bringing demographic changes in the Muslim majority region as anyone from the entire country can apply for jobs, obtaining domiciles and purchase lands in the princely state.

“With the abrogation of Article 370, Muslims have lost the previous level of political participation and freedom in IIOJK as direct rule of India causes the people of Jammu and Kashmir to have no longer their own government and amend or legislate laws to protect their rights and freedom – whatever the degree of freedom they had,” said Professor Dr. Ejaz Khan, former Chairman, International Relations Department, University of Peshawar while talking to APP.

He said abrogation of Article 370 sparked widespread reaction across IIOJK with protests and demonstrations against the revocation.

The 43 page report of the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 2019 exposed Indian forces’ systematic terrorism and war crimes at IIOJK,” said Mushtaq Ahmad Shah, a Kashmiri leader.

The report had testified that Indian occupied forces used excessive force and pellet guns against peaceful Kashmiris in 2016, resulting in deaths and injuries of a large number of civilians which was a clear violation of UN Basic Principles on Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, he said.

Great Hurriyat leader, Muhammad Yasin Malik was jailed for life in a fake case in a bid to silence his strong voice for Kashmir’s freedom and terrorize other Kashmir leadership.

The brutal killing of freedom fighter Burhan Wani and other Kashmiris leadership in a fake encounter besides issuance of over six million illegal domicile certificates of IIOJK to Hindus further exposed the anti-Kashmir’s policies of the Hinduvata’s regime.

Mushtaq said the gruesome violation of human rights including the forced disappearance of over 8,000 innocent Kashmiris, 8,652 unmarked mass graves, imposition of longest curfew on some 10 million unarmed Kashmiris, extra-judicial killings and human rights abuses especially against women and children exposed India’s ugly secular face before the world.

Shutdowns and strikes were also observed in both sides of Kashmir, but the Indian forces resorted to an excessive use of force (beatings, mistreatment, and use of pellet guns, tear gas and live ammunition) against demonstrators to subdue them.

He said restrictions were imposed on movement, assembly and gatherings and communication sources including the internet and mobile phone services were shut down to confine freedom of expression and access to information.

He said thousands of people including politicians, freedom activists and civilians were arrested without charges and denied access to justice, free trials and legal representation.

Hundreds of people were taken away by the Indian occupation forces without disclosure of their whereabouts while women were subjected to sexual harassment and intimidation and children to psychological trauma.

He said the whole IIOJK suffered from humanitarian crisis as delivery of food, medicines and essential supplies wasn’t possible due to the restrictions imposed by India.

On top of that, censorship was placed on media and journalism to restrict reporting on the crimes the Indian forces committed in IIOJK.

The Muslim and world leaders including the United Nations Secretary General, several members of UK parliament and US lawmakers, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch have expressed deep concerns over the grim situation in IIOJK.

However; instead of mere lip service, its now time for the UN in particular and the Muslim leaders and the world stakeholders in general to take concrete steps to resolve the matter in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiris to bring an end to their long plight.

Because the basic question still remains unanswered whether or not the UN has lived up to its responsibility regarding legitimate and basic human rights of the people of Kashmir.

Dr Ejaz Khan said the responsibility rests with the UN as the Security Council Resolution (47) 1948 clearly asks both the countries to withdraw their forces from Kashmir and the issue be resolved through ballot paper allowing the people of Kashmir to decide whether to join either Pakistan or India or remain independent.

He said Pakistan, while complying with the Resolution, withdrew her forces while India did not even bother to budge regarding withdrawal of her forces.

The Indian security forces not only remained in the valley but New Delhi also changed the special status of IIOJK denying the people of Kashmir sovereignty.

Dr Ejaz said the UN along with other stakeholders should in real essence step in for the resolution of the lingering issue or else the Indian brutality and barbarism in the IIOJK could endanger peace in the entire world because the people of Kashmir would stop at nothing until and unless they achieve their freedom for a nation spare no sacrifice for its sovereignty.

He said that four wars were fought on Kashmir and another would be disastrous for the entire region between nuclear armed neighbours.

The experts said the unwavering efforts and sacrifices of the people of Kashmir would bear fruits due to their steadfast struggle for freedom from Indian yoke.

They said Pakistan has always supported the cause of Kashmiris at every forum across the globe and will stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Kashmir through every thick and thin because Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan.


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