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HYDERABAD, Feb 19 (APP): Paediatrics Dr. Zulfiqar Shaikh informed that the Rota virus diarrhea was not well understood in the ancient world, probably because its symptoms are not primarily diarrheas, but rather systemic and non-specific.
Talking to APP here on Wednesday Dr. Zulfiqar said that there is no doubt that lack of clean drinking water and unsanitary conditions for the production and preparation of food represent the main reasons for the ongoing endemically of Diarrhea in the developing world. Poor water quality, sanitation and hygiene account for some 829000 deaths a year worldwide.
He said that lack of attention to water, sanitation and hygiene issues is the single major source of backwardness of our country and poor drinking water quality, quantity, sanitation and hygienic conditions cause illness of the adults and children’s.
He said that traditionally the age range considered at greatest risk is 5-10 years of age, although young children and infants may also be infected.
Dr Zulfiqar said about the treatment recommended that treatment of Rota virus begin on the basis of clinical findings prior to definitive diagnosis. Sadly, in endemic regions, facilities for definitive diagnosis, based on blood or bone marrow culture or serologic tests may be entirely lacking.
He said about the Rota Virus that although most parents are not as familiar with the name rotavirus as they are with other viruses, like the cold or the flu, rotavirus is a very common cause of infections in children. In fact, rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in young children and is often responsible for outbreaks of diarrhea in daycares, added.
He said that the children usually having develop symptoms of rotavirus infections about 1 to 3 days after being exposed to someone else who is sick with a rotavirus infection (the incubation period) and these symptoms include vomiting, watery diarrhea (without blood or mucus), fever, and abdominal pain but unfortunately, there is no specific cure or treatment for the actual rotavirus infection.
He said that instead, treatments are targeted at preventing and treating dehydration and Rotavirus infections also lead to the death of over 600,000 children in the world each year.
About the dehydration solutions he said that (ORS) is an exact mixture of water, salts and sugar and these solutions can be absorbed even when your child is vomiting.
She said that the key is to give small amounts of ORS often, gradually increasing the amount until your child can drink normally and keep giving the ORS until the diarrhea is less frequent, added.
He said that the number of the patients, suffering from viral and bacterial diseases, like diarrhea, Rota Virus, malaria, typhoid, dengue fever has been on the rise due to the different seasons.
He said that symptoms encountered, however, include an abnormal production of watery diarrhea and vomiting which instantly dehydrates the body and deprives it of vital fluids, which if not replaced almost immediately, can result in death.
About the transmitted of the disease he said that diarrhea germs are easily spread from person to person, and especially from child to child.
He said that germs usually spread readily among children who have not learned to use the toilet. The spread of the infection can be reduced if adults and children wash their hands carefully after every diaper change, after going to the toilet, and before preparing and eating food, she added.
He advised the people that if Rota virus diarrhea or cramping continues after 5 to 7 days, so contact their doctor and the doctor may also suggest other medications or treatments.