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MIRPUR (AJK), Aug 18 (APP):Mangla Dam on Friday reaches at its peak after it was fully filled to the stipulated maximum level of 1242 feet.
According to media wing of WAPDA, at present 7.356 million acre feet (MAF) water is available in Mangla reservoir.
The other two major reservoirs Tarbela & Chashma have also filled to their maximum level. Resulting in the maximum availability of water in the dams, which is being regarded a good omen for agriculture and hydel power generation in Pakistan in the days to come, WAPDA officials said.
As per details, the water storage at Tarbela Dam is 5.809 MAF and Chashma is 0.278 MAF. The cumulative quantum of water available at present in Mangla, Tarbela and Chashma reservoirs stands at 13.443 MAF.
According to the statistics, water level in Tarbela is 1550 feet and Chashma 649 feet above mean sea level.
The water inflow from Rivers Indus at Tarbela is 221000 cusecs and Outflows 199600 cusecs, inflow from River Jhelum at Mangla is 26000 cusecs and Outflows 10000 cusecs, and water inflow at Chashma is 310400 cusecs and Outflows 243100 cusecs.
The water level in the reservoir was recorded as 1242.00 feet against maximum conservation level of 1242.00 feet with live storage of 7.356 MAF on Friday, the sources said
Jhelum River to the reservoir at Mangla was reported 28700 cusecs with the outflows of 18400 cusecs from the reservoir Friday, the sources said.
The overall position of the river inflows and outflows at Tarbela, Mangla and Chashma along with the reservoirs levels and the barrages remained on Friday as under:
Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: Inflows 212100 cusecs and Outflows 223200 cusecs, Kabul at Nowshera: Inflows 35500 cusecs and Outflows 35500 cusecs, Khairabad Bridge: Inflows 237000 cusecs and Outflow 237000, Jhelum at Mangla: Inflows 28700 cusecs and Outflows 18400 cusecs, Chenab at Marala: Inflows 64000 cusecs and Outflows 43600 cusecs.
Barrages: Jinnah: Inflows 232300 cusecs and Outflows 224300 cusecs, Chashma: Inflows: 281100 cusecs and Outflows 259900 cusecs, Taunsa: Inflows 239900 cusecs and Outflows 220900 cusecs, Guddu: Inflows 254800 cusecs and Outflows 225900 cusecs Sukkur: Inflows 186100 cusecs and Outflows 133500 cusecs Kotri: Inflows 168000 cusecs and Outflows 127800 cusecs Trimmu: Inflows 73500 cusecs and Outflow 59900 cusecs Panjnad: Inflows 70500 cusecs and Outflows 54700 cusecs.
The current situation of Reservoirs (Level and Storage) were Tarbela: Minimum operating level 1402 feet, present level 1549.60 feet, maximum conservation level 1550 feet, live storage today 5.786 MAF.
Mangla: Minimum operating level 1050 feet, present level 1242.00 feet, maximum conservation level 1242 feet, live storage today 7.356 MAF.
Chashma: Minimum operating level 638.15 feet, present level 649.00 feet, maximum conservation level 649 feet, live storage today 0.278 MAF.
The inflows and outflows of River Indus at Tarbela, Jinnah and Chashma, River Kabul at Nowshera and River Jhelum at Mangla have been reflected as mean flows of 24 hours, whereas the other flows have been gauged at 6.00 a.m on Friday.