MULTAN, Oct 26 (APP):The 755th annual Urs of Hazrat Burhanuddin Shah Jilani Qadri was held in the city.
The tomb was washed with rose petals water and Chadar was laid.
Speaking on this occasion, Makhdoom Yazdani Gillani said that courage and love was necessary for the sake of country. He said that the struggle and solidarity was dire need of hour for Kashmir and Palestine.
Makhdoom Professor Tariq Hussain Shah Qadri Jilani said that Hazrat Syed Burhanuddin Shah Qadri Jilani lit the candle of Islam 700 years ago.
Makhdoom of Suraj Miani Shamsi said that the Islam was spread speedily in India due to the services of these Saints.
On this occasion, Nafees Ansari, Makhdoom Zahid Gardezi, Makhdoom Hasan Raza Mashhadi, Makhdoom Ali Mehdi Shamsi, Makhdoom Qaswar Shamsi and others attended the Urs.
755th Urs of Hazrat Burhanuddin Shah held in city
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