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shippKARACHI, Oct 03 (APP):Fourships namely, MSC Tokyo, Onyx-I, Lisa and Spottail carrying Containers and Gas oil, berthed at Container Terminal and Oil Terminal respectively on Monday.
Meanwhile another Oil tanker ‘Al Soor-II’ carrying 59,220 tonnes of Gas oil also arrived at outer anchorage of the port on Tuesday.
Nine ships were engaged at PQA berths during the last 24 hours, out of them three ships Onyx-1, MSC Tokyo and Doha left the port on today morning, while two more ships, Lisa and Berden are expected to sail on same day afternoon.
Cargo throughput of 119,695tonnes, comprising 82,771 tonnes imports cargo and 36,924 tonnes export cargo, including containerized cargo carried in 3,208 Containers (1,036 TEUs Imports and 2,172 TEUs export) was handled at the port during last 24 hours.
There are nine ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them a chemicals carrier Zoe Schulte & two more ships,Maersk Kinloss and MSC Elaine carrying Chemicals and Containers are expected to take berths at Engro Terminal and Containers Terminal respectively on Tuesday, while two more container ships, MSC Jemima and EM Astoria are due to arrive at Port Qasim on Wednesday.