ISLAMABAD, Jun 6 (APP): The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), one of Pakistan’s premier think tanks, reached an important milestone as it commemorates the 50th anniversary of its founding on 16th June 2023.
This marks half a century of dedicated research and scholarly contributions in the field of foreign policy and strategic studies, a news release said.
Founded in 1973 — with a vision to foster critical analysis, promote understanding, and generate innovative ideas — the ISSI is devoted to providing an in-depth understanding and objective analysis of regional and global strategic issues, affecting international peace and security.
The Institute also promotes a broad-based and informed public understanding of vital issues relating to Pakistan’s foreign policy and national security as well as strategic stability in South Asia.
Over the past five decades, the Institute has been instrumental in influencing the policy process and helping with narrative-building by offering valuable insights and providing a platform for informed discourse on matters of national and international importance.
With its multi-disciplinary approach and a team of renowned scholars and dedicated researchers, the ISSI has consistently produced quality research on diverse subjects, including international relations, security, geopolitics, regional dynamics, and Pakistan’s pivot to geo-economics. Its regular and special publications, Seminars, Conferences, and policy briefings have played a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and influencing policy formulation.
The Institute’s work is conducted through 5 Centres of Excellence, with distinct geographic and thematic focus, viz. (i) China Pakistan Study Centre (CPSC); (ii) Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA); (iii) India Study Centre (ISC); (iv) Arms Control and Disarmament Centre (ACDC); and (v) Centre for Strategic Perspectives (CSP).
The Institute has also built strong partnerships with national and international counterpart think tanks for fruitful collaboration. Thus far, over 70 Protocols and memorandum of understandings (MoUs) for cooperation have been concluded with these partner institutions in Pakistan and in different parts of the world.
As ISSI embarks upon celebrating this occasion, the curtain rises on a series of events and activities that will reflect on its rich legacy, acknowledge its achievements, and outline the course for the future. This commemorative milestone not only honours the Institute’s ongoing contributions but also recognizes the cumulative efforts of the researchers, scholars, policymakers, and stakeholders who have been part of this journey. The ISSI community remains profoundly grateful for their invaluable contributions.
The 50th anniversary celebration of ISSI promises to be a platform for intellectual exchange, fostering dialogue, and advancing knowledge in all relevant areas of focus. It will bring together experts, academics, diplomats, practitioners, and thought leaders to engage in insightful discussions, share perspectives, and explore new avenues for collaboration.
A key element in this context would be the 50th Foundation Day event on 16 June 2023, which would feature a high-level policy address. As part of the commemoration, a number of new Books and Special Reports will also be introduced on the occasion.